The player can move across fields and levels!
La Fée Electronique » Devlog

Easy and hard things weren't as expected:
- Get two input of the player in the same time: discovered SDL_GetKeyboardState, but what to do with a gamepad? This game will be keyboard only :)
- 1 + 1
- compilation in wasm with emcc while handling PNG files (first time I don't use BMP), USE_SDL_IMAGE=2 not enough, SDL2_IMAGE_FORMATS='["png"]' required. More than 2 hours lost checking what could be wrong in the code itself...
- Have now idea how to check if a player if stuck, except by running out of time or proposing a resign option to the player. AI? maths? Don't know how it could work???
Unexpectedly easy
- interaction player/obstacle
- basic animations
- Fields generation
- Obstacles generation
- Player 2D movement
- Interaction player / obstacle
- blocked
- destroy
- push
- Test: is it fun to play?? at least, it works. And yeah, with 1975 standards, its probably impressive and fun xD
- Inter-field space generation (change of strategy, extended array with entry and exit field)
- Obstacles generation animation
- Import some real data
From high to low priority.
- Understand that the player is stuck.
- Welcome menu
- reuse functions from previous game
- or not... would need it to propose new options depending on achievement
- reuse functions from previous game
- Translations
- Test: what is needed for more fun?
- special events? new powers?
- Is it easy / fast / worth to code?
- Interaction player / obstacle
- drag (useless?)
- drag (useless?)
- field clear, level clear animations
- Would be very nice, but maybe too long to code ?
- Aesthetic (-- ... hum ...)
- Sound
- reuse functions from previous game but it takes so long to adapt the sounds, test in game...
- Sprites instead of uni-color tiles
- uni-color maybe better than ugly sprites ;)
La Fée Electronique
Puzzle Game for the Game Jam "Wasted Resources 2"
More posts
- Released!Apr 17, 2022
- Too much scrolling, mouse is deadApr 15, 2022
- OupsApr 14, 2022
- Near completionApr 12, 2022
- Alpha test: OK on Linux, too many glitches on WindowsApr 09, 2022
- Project startedApr 03, 2022
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