Project started
La Fée Electronique » Devlog

"La Fée Electronique" ("The Electronic Fairy") will be a puzzle game. It is developed for the Game Jam "Wasted Ressources 2". The code is written in C using the SDL and it should be exported as a Web Assembly file to be playable online.
- Fields generation
- Obstacles generation
- Player 2D movement
From high to low priority. Also, does it seems easy / fast (++) or hard / long (--) to code?
- Interaction player / obstacle
- blocked (++)
- destroy (+)
- drag (--)
- push (--)
- Test: is it fun to play??
- continue dev or change all above?
- balance difficulty (-)
- Inter-field space generation (+)
- Progression between fields and inter-fields in correct order (-)
- Obstacles generation animation (--)
- Would be very nice, but maybe too long to code ?
- Test: what is needed for more fun?
- special events? new powers? (--)
- Is it easy / fast / worth to code?
- Import some real data (+)
- Welcome menu (+)
- reuse functions from previous game
- field clear, level clear animations (--)
- Would be very nice, but maybe too long to code ?
- Would be very nice, but maybe too long to code ?
- Aesthetic (-- ... hum ...)
- Sound (--)
- reuse functions from previous game but it takes so long to adapt the sounds, test in game...
- reuse functions from previous game but it takes so long to adapt the sounds, test in game...
- Translations (++)
- Sprites instead of uni-color tiles (--)
- uni-color maybe better than ugly sprites ;)
La Fée Electronique
Puzzle Game for the Game Jam "Wasted Resources 2"
More posts
- Released!Apr 17, 2022
- Too much scrolling, mouse is deadApr 15, 2022
- OupsApr 14, 2022
- Near completionApr 12, 2022
- Alpha test: OK on Linux, too many glitches on WindowsApr 09, 2022
- The player can move across fields and levels!Apr 05, 2022
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