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funny !
nice idea and cool song !! remebers a bis to c64 times :)

Thank you for playing the game! 

The song is by JS Bach, he probably is a talented guy. XD

neat little game. I will be honest I didn't 100% understand it. I managed to get 143% hostility to red leader on my last play through with a distance of 8.02

if you are playing this, I think that distance is more important to how well you do, and if the red army becomes green that improves the hostility rating. if you get the hostility high enough you win.

I like the concept, the gameplay is pretty creative, a good implementation of theme

Thank you for playing the game! During testing, I never went further than 2 km... :)

 Green guys are defectors and the hostility does increase for each defector. ... But I didn't have time to make a clear UI, make an ending, or fine tune anything, so yes, I agree it's confusing and not really rewarding for the player.